Credit: DenHaus
Your home should be comfy for you and your furry friend.
Dogs are truly a treasure. Every time I see someone walking a dog down the sidewalk, it takes one hundred percent of my willpower not to stop and marvel at it. When you have a dog at home, it’s only natural that you’d want them to feel comfortable there with you. Usually, this entails something as simple as sharing a couch with them, though while that’s not an unpleasant prospect, it may be a little more efficient (which is to say, something that requires less hair-cleaning) to have a few spots for your dog that’s for them alone.
If you’ve got a smaller dog, you can try a BowHaus crate, pictured above. These little enclosures provide a shady, cushioned spot for your friend to hang out, while providing you with a convenient stand for who-knows-what.
If your dog is the extra-thirsty type, there are all sorts of little installations you can use to ensure they have constant access to water. An outdoor wet bar that can be filled with a quick nozzle turn is nice for those hot days. They also make dressers and wardrobes with food and water bowls built into the bottom drawer, though if you’re planning to use something like that, make sure to clean it on a regular basis.
If you want your dog to have easy access to your bed, whether it be to share a cozy moment or to lick you awake in the morning, you can place a small ramp or staircase at the foot of your bed. Again, this is mostly for smaller dogs who can’t jump very high; if you’ve got a bigger woofer, they probably won’t need any help. Heck, if you like, there are raised beds for larger dogs you can place right next to your own, in case you need to reach over for a late-night ear scratch.