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Growing fruit takes time, but once you see the first effects, you’ll know it was worth the wait
Imagine waking up, preparing a chia seeds pudding or oatmeal, and adding freshly picked up berries from your garden. Sounds perfect! Here are some of the best and most delicious fruits you deserve to have in your garden, and it all starts with berries.
Blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries can be used to eat fresh, for fruit salads, smoothies and cookies, and cakes. Plant their seeds in well-drained soil, in a sunny spot, and mix in some compost to give them a running start. Try adding an acidic element like sphagnum peat moss to your soil.
There are two different kinds of strawberries. The ones produce crops in June, others later in the summer. You’ll have to keep a close eye on your small-space fruit. Practice good growing: don’t overwater, give plenty of the sun, and fertilize when needed.
Citrus family, from lemon and limes to grapefruit and oranges, are prolific growers and beautiful plants. Growing citrus in warm-winter climates is relatively easy, and all you need to watch is the salt levels of your soil. Tropical fruits, like citrus, may even spend the winter in the garage or at your house.
A dwarf tree of any kind is fragile, so put it in a spot out of the direct wind. Plenty of traditional fruits, such as pears, plums, peaches, cherries, figs, and nectarines, work well as dwarfs. While it’s good to prune trees, you’ll want to limit pruning to only critically damaged or broken branches.
Apples can adapt to various temperatures and climates. Plant apples in sunny, well-drained soil and the tree will make several families with bushels of fruit. Unlike other berries, mulberry trees ask for prefer full sun and fertile soil. You can start growing them in your home and later plant them in the ground.
Figs love the sun, but they can bounce back from the cold winters easily. They are most likely the easiest fruit to grow in containers because they adapt well to constrained conditions. In fact, they like the structure and being root-bound.
Don’t be impatient with fruits; they bring so much to the table, so waiting for a year to three doesn’t compare to what you get in return.