Credit: Phipps Conservatory
You can never have too many hummingbirds.
Hummingbirds are one of those animals that I’m pretty sure everyone likes. They help to pollinate smaller, narrower plants that other birds and bugs can’t get to, they add a splash of living color to your yard, and besides everything, they are just cute as all get out. Gardening companies make specialized nectar-dispensing feeders you can use to attract hummingbirds, but if that’s not your thing, there are lots of plants and flowers you can add to your garden to attract the curious little guys. Hummingbirds have surprisingly good memories, which allows them to return to a safe source of food when they find one. If you set up the right conditions, your garden may have a regular patron.

Credit: White Flower Farm
One of the hummingbird’s signature hangouts, daylilies do their best growing in either the spring or the fall. If you want to plant them, make sure they’re in the sun, because they usually need at least six hours a day of direct sunlight.

Credit: Gardeners’ World
Hummingbirds love the sweet nectar produced by honeysuckle, plus they grow incredibly quickly. If you want to attract hummingbirds in a hurry, honeysuckle is a safe bet. Heck, if you like, you can pick off a couple and suck on them yourself.

Credit: andwill
Pentas are a little common, but they bloom almost constantly into all sorts of beautiful colors. You can get these guys in bulk and use them to edge your garden bed, as well as hang a few in a pot by the window. No matter how you do it, the hummingbirds will love some fast food.

Credit: Premier Growers, Inc.
Lantanas are nice because wild animals don’t usually graze on them. If you have a pest problem, don’t worry, because the lantanas will usually escape unscathed and awaiting hummingbird beaks. They’re also very easy to care for since they can survive without a lot of water in hotter, drier climates.