Credit: Balboa Reality
Time for some spring cleaning.
Spring has sprung, and I’m willing to bet that, due to current circumstances, you have found yourself with a surplus of at-home free time. Well, it’s a great time to get the garden in gear for real, but before you can do that, you’ve got to clean everything up. If you haven’t been keeping up with garden cleaning in the off months (not saying I blame you, outdoor cleaning can be really annoying), then you’ve got to take care of a few things before you can start planting the pretty stuff.
First, weeding. Get those gloves on and yank out those weeds. Even if you haven’t planted anything yet, weeds’ll find a perch in your soil. Don’t let them set up shop, just yank them right out of there. Also, be sure to pick up any loose twigs and leaves that may have blown down from nearby trees.
Secondly, trimming. If you’ve got larger plants in your yard like hedges, chances are they’ve gotten a tad unruly in your absence. Break out the shears and even them out. You can also start trimming shrubs; just make sure you only trim the summer-flowering stuff and not any early spring buds.

Credit: GreenPal
Third, patio upkeep. I’m guessing you’ll want to spend a few days lounging around in the sun among your plants, but you can’t do that if your outdoor furniture is covered in grime. Give your chairs and tables a good washing. A power washer helps here, but a bucket of water and a sponge work fine as well.
Finally, assemble the tools. Outdoor tools have an unusual tendency to misplace themselves when you leave them alone for a while. Get out a wheelbarrow or a big box and gather up everything you’ll need for general gardening. Trust me, you’ll be glad you have all of that stuff in one place when you need it.