(Photo Source: hgtv.com)
Why spend on new ones, when you already have brilliant planters?
Replacing classic, plastic pots with household items you already have will save you money and make your home more eco-conscious. Planting containers are sometimes an unnecessary expense, so let’s see which items you already have and how to reuse them.
Used soup-can can quickly and easily get a makeover with paint. Fill with stones to help improve drainage, place soil over, and add the plants of your choice. Ideal for balcony space, and since you can play with your favorite colors, it will not be just a plant pot, but decoration as well.
Traditional muffin tins usually end up in a bin after a while. But here’s another idea: why not use them to include your children into gardening? Set a scoop of soil over the seeds and water frequently to watch these plants come to life. Give your plants a lot of light and protect them from the wind. It’s cute, original, and the kids are going to love playing (and learning) with a mini garden.
Cut several holes at the bottom to give old plastic bottles new use. Fill them with soil, and start your greenery, by reusing nature’s biggest enemy: plastic waste.
Old sinks make brilliant planters due to their large amount of space and depth. Not everyone has a spare one, but if you’re thinking about replacing your old sink, don’t throw it away: you can even make a home for wildlife. All you need to do is fill yours up with rainwater and create your mini pond at home.
The drainage holes in colanders make them ideal candidates for alternative plant pots for your flowers. They are a perfect replacement for traditional hanging baskets and prevent the soil from becoming waterlogged. You can paint all the items you find, give them your personal touch, so your home or yard will ultimately reflect your style and personality.